Rock Salt


Himalayan Pink Salt is gaining widespread popularity among fitness freaks and health nuts all over the globe. It is increasingly being used as a substitute for table salt in many homes and is likely to become a household name pretty soon.

If you are uncertain what the fuss is all about, you’ll know for sure by the end of this article. To start with, you should first know Himalayan Salt history to better understand why it is so popular.

Himalayan Salt Origin

The Himalayan crystal salt is undisputedly the cleanest and the purest salt available on the planet where we are living right now. There are several, in fact countless benefits of this salt that are not only linked directly with our health but also great for the environment. To understand why this salt type has gained a lot of popularity all around the world and why it is said to be the world’s purest salt, we have to look into the history of Himalayan salt, the health benefits that it offers, and its uses as well.

About 250 million years ago, there was a primal sea that dried up under the energy of the sun. This salt is absolutely the same in composition to that ancient primal sea. But due to the movement of the earth plates, the gigantic, beautiful, and one of the highest mountains of the world (Himalayan Mountains) covered that primal ocean. Researchers believe that under the immense pressure and the heat of the sun, the water of the primal ocean evaporated and as a result, the crystal salt was formed that is also known as the Himalayan salt or Himalayan pink salt.

The location of these happenings is near the place where the Himalayan Mountains stand today, Khewra Salt Mines in Pakistan. Over time this salt has retained its natural purity, thanks to the mountainous region which sealed them from chemicals and pollutants. This is why Himalayan Pink Salt is now one of the healthiest natural foods known to man.

The researchers have discovered that this salt is naturally packed with mineral-dense properties and because of its minerals and the bio-compounds, it has the strength to offer a number of health benefits and it can be used as a natural remedy for many health problems. This salt is good because this is not cut into pieces by using lesser compounds and it never goes through any kind of chemical process. Keeping the entire mineral and bio-compounds intact, this salt has the power to get you a healthy life and environment

Health, Medical, and Environmental Benefits

There are various health benefits of using the Himalayan salt. This salt can control the level of the water within the human body and can regulate them for the proper functioning.

This can promote the stable pH balance in cells, including the brain and will encourage an excellent blood sugar health. The pink salt is also good for reducing the signs of aging and can encourage the creation of the cellular hydroelectric energy. It will help to encourage the increased absorption capacities of the food elements inside the intestinal tract.

The pink salt has the properties to improve the vascular health and will help the healthy respiratory functions. This salt is just great for the sinus issues and can reduce cramps, and also increase the bone strength. This will also encourage healthier sleep patterns and can create a healthy libido. The Himalayan crystal salt also promotes the kidney and the gall bladder health, when compared to the common salts that are treated chemically. The Himalayan salt is also great for the environment as it has the capabilities to emit negative ions in the air that can purify the air from the impurities and the other pollutants that cause the health issues and environmental pollution.

You should know that the common processed salt is a health destroyer because of its chemicals and that is why the Himalayan salt is best among all the available types of salt because of its purity and 84 minerals that are naturally found in it.

The Discovery of a New Super-Ingredient

For people living in the Himalayan region, salt was no big news. They have always needed it as a food additive, and also to preserve food like meat and fish. Soon after, the salt became a popular ingredient of medicine due to its supposed healing powers.

It is said that Himalayan Pink Salt was dubbed ’white gold’ by alchemists who knew its true value. This salt has also been called ’King Salt’ or ’Salt of Life’. In order to retain its purity, this salt is hand-mined from its natural reserves in the Khewra Salt Mines and is free from any additives or preservatives such as those present in regular table salt.

Himalayan Salt Benefits

Salt has generally been used as part of food and medicine since ancient times. Himalayan Pink Salt, apart from these uses, has much more to it. Claims of this salt’s therapeutic properties are becoming more and more popular each day. Here are some much-discussed benefits of this rock salt.


Normal table salt is composed of sodium and chloride, along with artificially added iodine. It has also been refined and processed thoroughly before it reaches you.

In contrast, Himalayan Pink Salt has a nature that is quite holistic. Moreover, it can be a wholesome component of food due to its whopping 84 element content. Among these elements are also included many trace minerals which are essential for health.

Alleviation of Allergies and Respiratory Difficulties

Himalayan Pink Salt is said to be beneficial for respiration and breathing disorders. It may also help in alleviating symptoms of asthma, eczema, and such allergic diseases.

For Health, Energy, and General Wellness

For electrolyte balance, body water regulation, and numerous other health aspects, this rock salt can prove to be regulatory and quite beneficial. Drinking only a small amount of sole early morning has been associated with improved mood and increased energy levels throughout the day. Some say that this is due to the fact that Himalayan Pink Salt contains the potential energy of the Sun and the Earth which it has soaked up over billions of years.

What’s Trending?

Want to know how to use Himalayan Pink Salt? You are definitely in for a surprise. This versatile gift from nature has been used for many purposes in daily life.

Himalayan Salt Rooms and Walls for a Therapeutic Spa Experience

Whether made of rock salt blocks entirely or having only panels of Himalayan Pink Salt, Himalayan salt rooms and walls are an emerging trend in spas and even homes. This is to create the effect of being in a Himalayan salt cave, a cleansing experience that is said to be great for a wide variety of problems from breathing issues to depression.

Himalayan Rock Salt Blocks for Cooking

Let alone adding the salt crystals to your food, the latest trend of Himalayan Pink Salt is to cook over a block of the rock salt itself! Savory dishes like steak can easily be placed and cooked over these blocks. This will give you the best of flavor and nourishment.

Himalayan Pink Salt for Skincare and Beauty

More and more DIY beauty recipes are employing Himalayan Pink Salt each day. All natural deodorants made at home from Himalayan Pink Salt are a great substitute for harmful aluminum-containing products commonly available for the same purpose. This salt is said to have astringent and antibacterial properties which can make it an effective deodorizing ingredient.

Salt Baths

Yes, this salt can also be used in the preparation of a relaxing and detoxifying bath, salt mixed with your favorite essential oils for extra skin nourishment!

This rock salt can also be used as a body scrub. Here it can increase blood circulation and combat cellulite under the skin. Himalayan Pink Salt wraps are also said to be effective for weight loss by reducing water retention and minimizing bloating.

Himalayan Salt Lamps and Candle Holders for Decoration

Himalayan Salt Lamps are an amazing source of freshness literally! These are said to release negative ions which are also called vitamins of the air. It is said that negative ions have the potential to clear the air of dust, pollen, and dander. They can neutralize harmful positive ions around you which are regularly released by electronic devices commonly present in your surroundings. Moreover, salt lamps are said to be great relievers of depression, anxiety, respiratory diseases, migraines, insomnia, and even joint problems!

Some Final Words

Now that you know about Himalayan Salt history and have a fair idea of Himalayan salt benefits, you can make the most of this unique salt by knowing its true value. In this excessively industrialized era, there is hardly something as pure as Himalayan rock salt. Its multipurpose nature is what has made it more popular than ever.

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