Rock Salt

What is Rock Salt?

Salt is not just an important ingredient for seasoning the food but also plays a vital role in maintaining many body functions. It is better to know about the salt you use every day for cooking meals.

One kind of salt that is trending these days is rock salt. It is said to be the purest form of salt. This salt is being widely used in the gourmet food industry due to its beautiful pink colored, unrefined, chemical-free crystals. In this article, we are going to explain in detail about rock salt so that you can make a better choice of salt for daily use.

What Is Rock Salt?

Rock salt is the type of salt that is obtained in the form of rocks. Unlike sea salt, it is mined from salt mountains in the form of large rocks which are then crushed into different sizes according to the respective needs. Rock salt is also popularly known as Himalayan salt, pink salt, or Khewra salt.

What Is Rock Salt Made Of?

Rock salt is basically halite or sodium chloride. It was formed over time due to the evaporation of large oceans. It is one of the least processed types of salt available in the market.

It is manually extracted from underground salt deposits that formed 200 to 250 million years ago due to the evaporation of water. It now exists in the form of Khewra salt mines which are the second largest salt mines in the whole world. That is why this salt has its own significance.

It is most commonly known as Himalayan pink salt due to its unique color which ranges from light pink to dark pink to pinkish white.

What Mineral Is The Major Component Of Rock Salt?

Its chemical properties are the same as that of table salt. The major component of Himalayan rock salt is sodium chloride which is up to 98 percent. The rest of the salt consists of trace minerals, such as potassium, magnesium, and calcium. The minerals in Himalayan salt give it a pink tone which makes it different from other salts.

What Is The Difference Between Rock Salt And Table Salt?

Rock salt and table salt have the same chemical composition but there are many differences between these two salts which are based on their source, color, processing, and nutritional value.


Himalayan salt is obtained from salt mines that are located in Pakistan. Table salt is obtained from evaporated seawater that is why it contains pollutants and requires refining.


Table salt is 99% NaCl but pink salt is 98% NaCl the remaining 2% is composed of more than 80 trace minerals and elements. These minerals include iron, calcium, potassium, sodium. Zinc and many more.


Due to the presence of different minerals, the taste of pink salt may be slightly different from table salt which is refined and processed and contains additives.


Table salt has a pure white color which is due to all the bleaching and processing that it goes through. Whereas, Himalayan salt has a pink hue to it which is due to the trace minerals in it. This pink color makes it distinctive from table salt.

It is safe from pollutants that are why it does not require any bleaching due to which its natural color and mineral content remains intact. But table salt goes through processing and bleaching which removes pollutants along with minerals.


Himalayan salt has pink crystals that can be transferred into different shapes according to requirements. It does not go through harsh refining due to which its beautiful crystalline structure remains intact. Table salt has a fine to coarse texture.

Why Rock Salt is better?

Any kind of salt that is least processed and refined is the best for consumption. Himalayan pink salt is a better choice because of so many reasons. First of all, its source of origin makes this salt safe from environmental pollutants due to which it does not require any bleaching like table salt as mentioned above.

It is available for use in its raw natural form without any additives and chemicals. This mineral-rich salt is very beneficial for healthy well-being. It can be used to fulfill the mineral requirement of the body and to maintain electrolyte balance.

It also helps in maintaining the body’s pH level. Unlike table salt, it can be used for so many different purposes as mentioned below.

What Is Rock Salt Used For?

Rock salt or pink Himalayan salt is being used in cooking and many other things ways because of its numerous benefits. There are many Himalayan pink salt products that are completely made of Himalayan rock salt crystals. These products range from beautiful salt lamps, candlelight holders, cooking salt blocks, salt inhalers, and bath salt.

When used for cooking purposes, it provides beautiful color and flavor to the food. Pink Himalayan salt in the bath can detox the skin and improve its texture.

Himalayan salt is also used to make sole water which is basically the Himalayan salt dissolved in water. Taking sole water early in the morning boosts minerals in the body and improves gut health.

Beautiful Himalayan salt crystals salt lamps and candle holders are amazing decoration pieces that also act as air purifiers. Salt inhalers are devices that use Himalayan salt in them to cure many respiratory conditions.

Not just for humans, this salt has some amazing benefits for animals as well. Himalayan salt in the form of salt licks can have various benefits for farm animals. These minerals-rich salt licks can be used to satiate the salt cravings of your livestock animals. These licks also provide them essential minerals that help improve their digestive systems.


Bottom Line

Every salt has its own specific properties regardless of the same chemical composition. Pink salt being the purest salt is definitely the best choice for use in cooking and for other uses.


Its mineral-rich nature and health benefits make it an amazing alternative to table salt. That is why this salt is getting very much popular in the gourmet food industry and skincare industry with every passing day.

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